Hello blog viewers. I know it has been a while since my last post and I have gotten demands to write another story about my life and the interesting happenings that go on in it. I went to India and China last summer to study the culture over there. It is quite interesting actually. Right away, I was embraced by a large family who took care of me as if I were their own kid. This wasn't too beneficial though because they told me they would take away a week's worth supply of rice if I didn't get at least a 98% in school. They demand a lot from you over there- it's nuckin futs! Anywho, that was my visit to China. When I traveled down over to India, I encountered a group of men who were describing teachings of re-encarnation. The whole concept truly fascinated me, so I decided to go to a master re encarnationist. His name was Kumar. He gave me insight of my previous lives, which included that of a lion and an ostrich. Pretty insane right? But I'm afraid it's almost 7 pm and past my bedtime so I will go to bed along with some cookies and milk. You stay classy Blog Viewers

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