Hey again. I just don't think I can write about what I said I would in my last blog. Too many painful memories..
Anyways, I will tell you about the tension between myself and Mr. Al Pacino. You see, back in the late 1960s, Al and myself were like bffs. We were both young and promising actors who needed one breakout role to make our careers. We both had read Mario Puzo's, "The Godfather", and when we heard that it was going to be made into a movie, we both called our agents and arranged auditions for some parts. I was to go out for the part of Michael Corleone, while he was to go out for the part of his brother, Sonny. They told Al that they didn't think he was right for the part of Sonny. The producers then told me that I had made the final cut and that I would begin filming in two weeks. They even made a promotional poster and released it in countries like Thailand and China. On the first day of filming, I arrived at the studio where I saw my bff Al in makeup. I wondered what was going on, and decided to ask him. He told me they decided to offer him a part in the film after all. I was happy for him, especially since we would be working together. A minute or so later, the director BDP (brian depalma..bdp is the fly nickname I gave him) pulled me aside and told me they decided to go another direction with the part of Michael Coreleone!! Can you believe that? First the Beatles and now The Godfather. Life just wasn't treating me fair in the late 1960's and early 1970's. I became enraged when I watched the movie and saw Al playing my part! I was like oh no nut uh no he didn't. I wish they had a show like the Maury Povich Show or Montel so I could take him on there. There wasn't, so I didn't talk to him for years. I stayed out of the film industry until I heard of the idea for another BDP film, "Scarface". The script was amazing and he personally wanted me to do the film. Brian even took it upon himself to make a promotional poster for that movie as well. However, the movie's producers took that idea and decided to put GUESS WHO ON THE POSTER...AL FREAKIN PACINO! Now this guy was just starting to tick me off. Some friend eh? Anyways, I decided to call it quits in the movie business. I did however make an appearance in George of the Jungle with Brendan Frasier as one of his monkey friends. That was fun, and I was even cast into a role in the Tom Hanks movie, "Cast Away". Originally, it was just Tom and myself on the island, along with Wilson the volleyball. My part however was eventually cut. I now realize that my career in film, has gone kaputt.